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Security mesh screen screens protect people's privacy very well
Security mesh screen screens are more commonly used in society today. Security mesh screen screens have a relatively wide range of uses. Security mesh screen screens are mainly used for theft prevention. Protect people's privacy. It is very in line with the requirements of modern people for life.
Security mesh screen screens are made of high-strength stainless steel wire and have high rust and vandal resistance. After testing, the anti-invasive ability reached 2.14 tons, which is more

resistant to shear and damage. If equipped with a high-strength hardware lock, it cannot be opened from the outside after being locked,
and the anti-theft effect is better.
Mounted on the Security mesh screen, the interior looks like a layer of tinted glass transparent, and the outdoor looks stunned and blurred. Really protect against mosquitoes while protecting indoor privacy.
In our daily life, when we have a weekend break, we need a window of security and privacy. The maishi Security mesh screen screen is very able to protect the privacy of customers. It also protects the safety of customers' home assets. Belongs to the bulletproof level. It can also be used in military buildings or in important offices, finance rooms, etc. of the company.、
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