Tech Text
Security screen mesh's anti-attack and material
The Security screen mesh is a processing process for treating the pair at normal temperature, such as cutting, cold stamping, cold extrusion, shearing, and the like.
When an object is subjected to an external force, the internal stress is not affected by the external stress. Usually, the stress at the notch or the hole may be reduced. The stress at the seam may be higher than the external pressure. Many times in the new year, the phenomenon of Security screen mesh's stress in the local area is significantly increased. The phenomenon of stress increase is called

stress concentration. In the welding process, how to determine whether the welding current is selected properly.
The material of Security screen mesh is 304 stainless
steel wire, and the external protection is electrostatically sprayed. The 304 stainless steel mesh has high anti-rust and anti-destructive ability. The anti-invasive ability of Security screen mesh is up to 2.148 tons, which is more resistant to shear and damage. SS is the abbreviation of "stainless steel", 306L is stainless steel grade, there are three types of gauze on the market: 304, 316, 316L, 304 contains 8 nickel (Ni), carbon less than 0.08; 316 contains nickel (Ni) 10, containing less than 0.08 carbon; 316 containing 12 nickel (Ni), containing less than 0.03 carbon; carbon content, the more anti-corrosion, the higher the nickel content, the more anti-corrosion.
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