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What do you have to consider when buying a Security mesh screen?
As a security screen, Security mesh screen has to be of high quality. Otherwise, the quality performance of the product cannot be guaranteed. The products on the market are also good or bad. Some manufacturers use inferior raw materials to produce, and the lack of lying has been fake. So we need to buy skills when we buy Security mesh screen.
The selection skills of Security mesh screen are what we should pay attention to.
The thickness of the security screen of the Security mesh screen is determined by the cost. The cost of a screen

window is concentrated on the aluminum and yarn mesh surfaces.
Buy screens and learn to bargain. The more simple the screen shop is, the bigger the discount will be. They offer 300 and can cut to around 200. The discount on the high-end storefront is limited, and the price will not be lower than 20%.
Stainless steel gauze is durable. Ordinary PVC nets are not durable, and the thicker and thicker the stainless steel mesh.
When we chose Security mesh screen to buy it. Another very sensible option is to choose a company that has its own production plant, such as maishi. Because it has factories to negotiate. The price is also the wholesale price, which is a good choice for everyone!