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The security window does not look good, you did not choose maishi" style="width: 200px; height: 170px; margin: 12px; float: left;" />The popular security drywall mesh currently on the market is of some strength, simplicity, strength, shear resistance and impact resistance. Anti-theft, insect proof, ventilation, aesthetics, safety and so on. Suitable for high-end residential and villa groups. After using the dirty, you don't need to find a cleaning person, you can easily clean it yourself. A little vacuum with a vacuum cleaner, a water-absorbent sponge or a normal brush will be as bright as new. People choose a safe security drywall mesh to be beautiful and generous, and it is ugly to choose the previous screen window." style="width: 200px; height: 170px; margin: 12px; float: right;" />
The security drywall mesh is selected by regular manufacturers, which is more conducive to after-sales protection, and the quality is better for a longer period of time.