Industrial News

How to clean the Security screen mesh when using the amount?

Screens made of Security screen mesh and ordinary stainless steel wire mesh still have a big advantage. Security screen mesh is much better in terms of hardness and service life. Contemporary, we have a high standard of living, so the demand for window screening nets also requires more functions to guarantee our lives. People's living standards have improved. Many high-rise buildings are now usingSecurity screen mesh. Security screen mesh window yarn selection so clean?

1. Use a watering can or a sprayer to clean the internal dust.

The majority of users of Security screen mesh accept the approval. More people like to use Security screen mesh. Security screen mesh has better corrosion resistance. And it is able to play the role of security and theft. Good products will be dusty after a long time of use. When using a watering can to clean, you need to prepare a large newspaper and waste paper, spread the paper on the Security screen mesh, and use a spray-type watering

 can. Wait a few minutes and then gently pry the newspaper. The dust inside the Security mesh was separated from the newspaper and the Security mesh. The dust removal method is very practical.

2. Wipe the surface dust of the Security mesh with a wet rag.

Although Security screen mesh is resistant to corrosion. But its cleaning solution is more than necessary. Because there is dust. The dust on the surface needs to be cleaned together.

3. Another method is to use a vacuum cleaner to clean the Security mesh.

The mesh of Security screen mesh is relatively small. It is formed by dense stainless steel wire weaving. There is often some dust inside the mesh. Always clean. In addition to the two cleaning methods above. Use a vacuum cleaner to align with Security screen meshs every day. The dust in the mesh can be absorbed.

The Security screen mesh of the maishi Manufacturing Group has many advantages. But it also requires regular processing.

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