Industrial News

How to Clean Security Screens

Security screen is one of the main products of MAISHI MFG. Security screens keep out intruders, but they also can attract unwanted dust and dirt. Cleaning them properly keeps your windows looking good and doesn't damage the locking mechanism that makes them secure. Here are our suggestions on how to clean security screens:
1. Unlock the security screen and remove it from the window. Wipe down the window glass with your preferred glass cleaner, if desired.
2. Combine ¼ cup mild detergent with 1 gallon of hot water in a bucket. Avoid strong cleaners or those containing abrasives.
3. Dip a soft-bristle brush into the detergent solution. Scrub the screen with the brush to remove all dirt and residue, taking care to keep the water out of the locking mechanism. Rinse the brush frequently in the detergent solution as you clean and change out the solution for fresh if it becomes dirty.
4. Rinse the screen with clear water, keeping the moisture out of the locks. Allow the screens to air-dry.
5. Coat the moving parts of the locking mechanism with graphite powder if it seems stiff or difficult to fasten. Replace the screens in the window and lock them in place.
Tools You Will Need:
Window cleaner
Mild detergent
Soft-bristle brush
Graphite powder
Security screens in coastal or industrial areas require cleaning every two to four weeks because the salt in the moist air can damage the screens if it isn't frequently removed.